All posts by OzziesDad

Community Association AGM

Monday 19th May, 7.30pm is the Hanwell Fields Community Association AGM. As residents you are all entitled to come and have your say. Some of our members are wanting to step down from their current roles, and this is the opportunity for others in our community to step forward. Both the Chair and secretary (who basically does all admin, opening up and running of the community centre) want to step down. This is an opportunity to be part of something that benefits our community. Thanks

Community Fete

On Saturday June 28th, 2-4pm there is a community fete at Hanwell Fields Community School. This is a joint event with the School and Residents Group. If anyone would like to offer some time, either on the day or before hand, please let me know. Also if anyone has a good raffle prize they could offer it would be most appreciated. I will let you know more details soon. Thanks